how to cancel subscriptions on iphone

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Apple’s App Store is full of apps with in-app subscriptions. That’s great news for developers, and it’s great for users who don’t want apps to go away. But if you don’t use an app, why not cancel your subscription?

Canceling a subscription to an iPhone or iPad app hasn’t always been the easiest thing to do, because Apple hasn’t always made the process obvious. Even if you did know. the chances are good that you do it so infrequently that you have forgotten, and there’s always the chance that Apple changed something in a recent iOS update.

Apple did in fact recently change how iPhone and iPad owners cancel subscriptions via the App Store, and thankfully, it’s now easier than ever. As with all things in life, however, these things are only easy if you know how—and we’re going to make sure you do.

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How to Cancel App Subscriptions

To get started, open the App Store and tap on the icon that represents your Apple ID at the top of the screen.

Click Apple ID icon

Next, tap “Manage Subscriptions.”

Tap Manage Subscriptions

Here you will see a list of all of the in-app subscriptions for which you are currently paying. You’ll also find any that are expired at the bottom of the list should you wish to re-subscribe.

To cancel a subscription, tap on the name of the app you want to manage.

Tap the app name

The next screen will display all of the available subscriptions, with a tick beside the one that to which you are currently subscribed. To cancel, tap the “Cancel Subscription” button at the bottom of the screen. You’ll be asked to confirm your decision before it is actioned.

Remember, even after canceling a subscription, you will have access to the relevant features until your existing billing period comes to an end.

Canceling unused app subscriptions can be a great way of saving a few dollars here and there, but that doesn’t mean that subscriptions are bad. Sustainable models for app developers are vital, especially if we are to continue to enjoy some of the very best the App Store has to offer.

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